Xido Technology Founder Shi Guowei Talks to Zhang Qi

Recently, Shi Guowei, the founder of Xiduo Technology Company, had a pleasant conversation with the renowned new business architect, Ms. Zhang Qi. The two discussed the future development direction of the pet industry and the inevitable trend of machines replacing manual labor in pet grooming. This conversation has attracted widespread attention and is seen as an important milestone in the pet industry’s march into a new era.

As the founder and chairman of Xiduo Technology Company, Mr. Shi Guowei first introduced the world’s unique pet bathing robot independently developed by the company.


This device increases bathing efficiency by more than four times, reduces the cost of pet bathing and store operation, enhances store traffic and reception capacity, attracts consumers within a 5-kilometer radius, and enables a 25-square-meter store to have the profitability of 100 square meters.
It provides pets with comfortable, safe, and low-noise grooming services. It also offers personalized grooming plans tailored to different breeds and hair characteristics of pets.

These advantages make the pet bathing robot an ideal choice for pet stores and pet owners.

In the discussion, Mr. Shi Guowei also emphasized the new type of fully intelligent pet store opened by Xiduo Technology, relying on the pet bathing robot, named “Wow! Xiduo Pets.”

Wow! Xiduo Pets combines artificial intelligence, big data, and other technologies with pet stores for the first time in the country. Consumers can achieve one-stop shopping through mobile phone scanning.

Open 24 hours, the service time is twice that of traditional pet stores, offering self-service at night to meet the nocturnal consumption needs of pet owners.

This new business model will completely revolutionize the operation of traditional pet stores. This kind of fully intelligent pet store can also provide pet owners with personalized recommendations and customized services through big data analysis and artificial intelligence technology.

Mr. Shi Guowei also announced that Xiduo Technology Company will recruit 30 city partners nationwide in 2023 to jointly open fully intelligent pet stores and promote the innovative development of the pet industry.

Mr. Shi Guowei and Ms. Zhang Qi had an in-depth discussion on the future development direction of the pet industry. They believe that as people’s awareness of pet care increases, the pet industry will show a trend of diversification, personalization, and high quality. Mr. Shi mentioned that the company will continuously improve the intelligence level of the pet bathing robot to meet the growing demand of pet owners for pet grooming.

Ms. Zhang Qi expressed her appreciation for the development vision of Xiduo Technology. She believes that the fully intelligent pet store model advocated by Xiduo Technology is a subversion and upgrade of the traditional pet industry. The emergence of this business model will further promote innovation and development in the pet industry, enhancing the service level and user experience of the entire industry.

Ms. Zhang Qi also encouraged other enterprises and entrepreneurs to actively explore business opportunities in the pet industry and use the power of technology and innovation to bring a better life to pet owners and pets.

More details about the conversation will be shared later. Stay tuned!

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